Mr Hydroponic Store
Mighty wash 1ltr
Mighty wash 1ltr
Mighty by NPK Kills Adelgids, ants, exposed aphids, apple red bugs, beetles, cabbage loopers, caterpillars, centipedes, earwigs, fruit tree leafrollers, fungus gnats, grape phylloxera, psyllids, plant bugs, scale, sawfly larvae, silverfish, sowbugs, spider mites, spittle bugs, springtails, stinkbugs, thrips, whitefly adelgids, whiteflies, weevils, worms, and eggs of all listed. Safe to use on many types of fruiting and flowering plants and shrubs, as well as houseplants. If concerned about the sensitivity of plants, test by spraying a portion of plant and wait several days to determine if burn occurs before spraying large areas. Directions for Use: Ready to use right out of the bottle. No need to dilute or mix at all. Just shake the bottle thoroughly to make sure the contents are evenly mixed, for optimal application. Pour contents directly into your atomizer or sprayer and apply generously but do not exceed 32 oz per 100 square feet of foliage. Apply every 3 days for normal infestation but no more than once every 24 hours for a heavy infestation. Be sure to coat both the top and bottom of the leaf surface and stems.