Mr Hydroponic Store
Chilli focus 1ltr
Chilli focus 1ltr
Chilli Focus Chilli Focus is a premium commercial chilli nutrient created by Growth Technology. Its specifically designed to give all of the food and nutrients that chillis, and peppers need. This helps to ensure that your chillis are healthy and strong, and will mean your end produce will not only look good, but also taste good. The formula promotes the growth of stronger plants as well as more vibrant, juicy fruits. It is recommended that this balanced nutrition fertilizer be applied regularly from the beginning. This is a special fertilizer for peppers and chillies grown in growbags, pots, or on the ground. Properly fed your peppers and chillies can grow huge plants that you will be able to harvest. This strong fertilizer is made from only the finest mineral salts, and it has been enriched with complex organic plants acids such as humic acid and fulvic. Chilli Focus should be used frequently as a balanced nutritional supplement. The Key Features All 14 of the essential nutrients One-of-a kind, balanced nutrition solution for peppers and chillies This is the only liquid nutrition solution specifically designed for pepper and chilli plants. You should use it regularly starting at the beginning. It promotes the growth of stronger, healthier plants as well as more colourful and juicier fruit.