Mr Hydroponic Store
Atami rootbastic 250ml
Atami rootbastic 250ml
Rootbastic is the partner product to the ever-popular Bloombastic from Atami. Atami state that it’s a “Super concentrated root stimulator with a combination of high NPK biostimulants and biominerals”. It’s actually one of the best root stims on the market, and one of the cheapest when you look at the dilution rates. Usage: Use 0.1-0.3ml per litre of water. Apply the first two growing weeks and the first two flowering weeks. Apply for two weeks after re-potting. Keep your base nutrients low as in the rooting stage, using Rootbastic will primarily stimulate root production and increase your EC level which should be between 0.8-0.9 with a pH of 5.8 and no more than 6.5. Conversions: 1 Teaspoon = 5mL | 1 Tablespoon = 15 mL | 1 Ounce = 30mL | 1 Cup = 240 mL The Science Rootbastic is a super concentrated root stimulator with a combination of high NPK Biostimulants and Biominerals which creates extensive root production. A highly concentrated supplement that increases the E.C (Electric Conductivity) level of your nutrient solution promoting vibrant root system development. Rootbastic is usable in combination with all kinds of substrates and irrigation systems. Rootbastic also helps to make your plants resistant to root disease and environmental stress such as heat, dry air and high light intensity